Monday, January 7, 2013

Opening Heart

Opening Heart

I hear the crack and squeak, then light from beneath. The door is opening, light bursting through. A shadow in the light, soon I realize that it is you. Blood begins to rush, ears roar to life. Finally, joy comes and there is the end of all strife. Yes, I walk through the rays of light that shine in. I bask in the glow, and feel the warmth from within. Love floods the floors, and I try to swim, but instead I sink to the bottom, but there is no harm. As I reach out for you, I grab your arm. We walk side by side, through the trials and toils, but victory is ours, and we share all the spoils. Love is what drowns us, and love is what saves us. We cannot fall or fail. Love is what carries our boat, the wind in our sails. We drift onward into the night, and through out life, we know that we are what is right. The door is completely open, waiting for you to walk in. Now, a life of happiness is what we begin.

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