Wednesday, March 27, 2013

New Beginnings

Oh the pain that shot through my heart
When you said we were through
I never wanted us to part
Don't you know I still love you?
But a new day has dawned
And light will break free
Birth from death has spawned
Giving new life to me
I see with new eyes
The pain is almost gone
Now that I'm a bit more wise
It's time for me to move on
Though my heart still yearns for you
I will seek and find
New people for me to meet
But you will always be on my mind
I will always treasure the time we spent
In each other's arms at night
But as I turn the page again
My spirit will take flight
New realms of life that I never seen before
Another arch opens up for me
After you have slammed the door
Dont fret or worry about me
I will be alright
Just think fondly of me
And watch my soul take flight

Delay in Posting

Some of you may or may not know, but I have been involved in a murder trial and had to testify and prepare for said testimony. With that being said, and sorry I didnt post a notice earlier, but things have been on my mind and I have been dealing with a LOT of emotions as events were replayed in my mind and very many hurtful memories have resurfaced and have had to deal with that. Now, that the trial is over and the person was found guilty of first degree murder and will never ever see the light of day again outside of prison bars, I am now ready to start posting regularly and get my creative juices flowing. Thank you all for being patient with me as I went through this trying time in my life.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Daily Struggle of Man

As I strain and struggle my face turns red
I push and all the blood rushes to my head
I turn and yell to my son afar
"Damn it, hurry up and bring me a crowbar!"
As I strain, I feel the dizziness in my head
I think if this doesn't drop soon I'll be dead
When I push I feel hot pain all over
But if I stop it will be much worse
I push harder and start to curse
Pretty soon if I don't hear a plop
I will pass out, on the floor I'll drop
I feel the tear as it starts to crown
Then I feel relief as it falls down
So now that my veins have all burst in my head
I flush the toilet and go back to bed

Friday, March 8, 2013

What Do You See?

What do you see when you look into my eyes?
Do you see only another face?
Or do you look deeper at the one behind the eyes?
Do you see my soul deep in this body?
Come, see who I am deep inside
I'll tell you of accomplishments
I'll tell you of children who give me pride
I'll tell you of sorrow and hardships
Yes there were struggles and strife
Sometimes it brought me to my knees
But then the good times came
And there was joy and peace
All these things made me who I am today
The wrinkles in my eyes
were caused by my many many tears
The lines in my face are from happiness
And the many smiles over the years
Listen and learn of my hopes and dreams
Learn as I tell you of all my fears
See how the lessons of life has taught me
To seek knowledge and wisdom
Throughout the many years
When you learn to look for these in all whom you see
Then when you look into my eyes
The real me is what you'll see

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

My Apologies

I realize that I'm late with my blog post and it is due to some things going on with my regular life. I will post a new poem tomorrow night, however, if something comes up and makes it impossible to do so, I will post on Friday night. Again, my apologies to you and thank you for watching my page.